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SNP Submitter Contact Detail
Handle information for the lab: TISHKOFF
fax: 215-573-2326
phone: 215-746-2670
address: Department of Genetics, 415 Curie Blvd. (428 Clinical Research Building), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6145
institution: University of Pennsylvania
lab: Tishkoff Lab
name: Sarah A. Tishkoff

Batch Type Submitter batch id Release build id Organism
Assay Lachance2012Cell_complex_substitution 136 Homo sapiens
Assay Lachance2012Cell_deletion 136 Homo sapiens
Assay Lachance2012Cell_insertion 136 Homo sapiens
Assay Lachance2012Cell_snp 136 Homo sapiens

GENERAL: Contact Us | Homepage | Announcements |dbSNP Summary | Genome | FTP SERVER | Build History | Handle Request
DOCUMENTATION: FAQ | Searchable FAQ Archive | Overview | How to Submit | RefSNP Summary Info | Database Schema
SEARCH: Entrez SNP | Blast SNP | Batch Query | By Submitter |New Batches | Method | Population | Publication | Batch | Locus Info | Between Marker
NCBI: PubMed | Entrez | BLAST | OMIM | Taxonomy | Structure

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