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Method Detail
Submitter Method Handle: PERLEGEN
Submitter Method ID: FLX_FLAP3
Submitted method description:
Short-range PCR amplification of coding regions followed by pooled
multiplexed tagged sequencing on a GS FLX 454 instrument. Samples
were amplified using primers that carried one of 16 3-base tags, to
resolve sample identities of reads after pooling. Reads were mapped
using BLAST, and single base substitution variants were identified by
parsing the alignments. Genotypes at variant sites were determined
using a Bayesian algorithm that combined read information across all
sequenced individuals to estimate per-site genotype frequencies and
error rates.
The reported assayed sequence represents the median interval over
which individuals carrying the alternate allele had sequencing reads
of that allele that were otherwise in complete agreement with the
genomic reference sequence, truncated to no more than 100 bp.

This method was used in the following submission:

Submitter Handle Batch Type Submitter batch id Release build id
PERLEGEN Frequency PGI_05_08-SEP-2009 131
PERLEGEN Assay PGI_05_08-SEP-2009 131

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