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Method Detail
Submitter Method Handle: CSHL-HAPMAP
Submitter Method ID: HAPMAP-PERLEGEN
Submitted method description:
The following method definition corresponds to one of the
genotyping platforms used in the International HapMap project.
For more details, see the project website
Protocol LSID:
Title: Perlegen Genotyping Protocol
Type: assay-design
Long-range PCR assays were designed using Oligo primer design software
(Molecular Biology Insights). Primers were selected to have similar
stringency and to map uniquely to NCBI Build 33. From a collection of
all suitable candidate primers, we used custom software to select a
minimum spanning set having maximum coverage with minimal overlap
between adjacent amplicons.
Genotyping arrays of 25-bp oligonucleotides were designed as four sets
of 20 features (80 features per SNP), corresponding to forward and
reverse strand tilings of sequences complementary to each of two SNP
alleles. A set of 20 features consisted of five sets of 4 features
where the location of the SNP within the oligonucleotide varies from
position 11 to position 15. A set of four features consisted of
sequences where A, C, T, or G is substituted at position 13. Thus,
each set of four features provided one perfect match to the sequence
of the corresponding SNP allele and three features with a single-base
mismatch for that allele. Mismatch probes were used to measure
background, and by comparison with the signal for the perfect match
probes, to detect the presence or absence of a specific PCR product.
Protocol LSID:
Title: Perlegen Genotyping Protocol
Type: genotyping
Light-directed chemical synthesis of oligonucleotide arrays was
carried out by Affymetrix, Inc. (Santa Clara, CA). Genomic DNA was
amplified by multiplex long-range PCR, then all PCR products destined
for a single genotyping array were pooled together and end-labeled
with biotinylated nucleotides. Each labeled DNA sample was hybridized
to a chip in hybridization buffer overnight at 50C. The hybridized
chips were washed several times in neutral buffer at RT, then
incubated with streptavidin for 15 min at RT. Following two washes at
35C in neutral buffer, chips were incubated with biotinylated
anti-streptavidin antibody for 15 min at RT, followed by another two
washes at 35C in neutral buffer. Then, chips were stained with
streptavidin-Cy-chrome conjugate for 15 min at RT, followed by two
washes with neutral buffer at 35C. Chips were incubated 30 min at 37C
in low-salt buffer, followed by a wash with neutral buffer at RT.
Hybridization of the sample to the array was detected using a confocal
laser scanner.
Individual genotypes for a SNP were determined by clustering
measurements from multiple scans in the two-dimensional space defined
by background-adjusted intensities of the perfect-match features for
the reference and alternate alleles. We used a K-means algorithm to
assign measurements to clusters representing distinct diploid
genotypes. Instead of estimating the background intensity from a
single scan, we determined an optimal value for each SNP that
minimized the variance within the assigned genotype clusters. The
K-means and background optimization steps were iterated until cluster
membership and background estimates converged. To determine the
appropriate number of genotype clusters, we repeated the analysis for
1, 2, and 3 clusters, and selected the most likely solution,
considering likelihoods of the data and the cluster parameters. The
data likelihood was determined using a normal mixture model for the
distribution of intensities around the cluster means. The model
likelihood was calculated using a prior distribution of expected
cluster positions.

This method was used in the following submission:

Submitter Handle Batch Type Submitter batch id Release build id

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