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Method Detail
Submitter Method Handle: PERLEGEN
Submitter Method ID: WAFER_HYB
Submitted method description:
Individual chromosomes were separated using a rodent-human somatic
cell hybrid technique. Clones with unique copies of the target
chromosome were selected using data from hybridization on Affymetrix
HuSNP arrays. Target DNA was prepared by long range PCR of fragments
of 3-14kb. Pooled PCR products were then hybridized to high density
oligonucleotide arrays designed to interrogate genotypes at all
non-repetitive sequence positions covered by these fragments. Wafers
were stained with streptavidin R-phycoerythrin and scanned using
custom built confocal scanners. Polymorphic sites were identified by
recognition of altered hybridization patterns.

This method was used in the following submission:

Submitter Handle Batch Type Submitter batch id Release build id
PERLEGEN Frequency 09-01 119
PERLEGEN Assay 09-01 100
PERLEGEN Assay 08-03 117
PERLEGEN Assay 11-NOV-2003 118
PERLEGEN Assay 08-28-2003 118
PERLEGEN Assay 11-25-2003 118
PERLEGEN Assay EXPR_09-MAY-2005 125
PERLEGEN Assay GV3_27-JUL-2005 125
PERLEGEN Assay GV3_30-AUG-2005 125
PERLEGEN Validation Aug2002 116

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