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Population Detail
Submitter Population Handle: CSHL-HAPMAP
Submitter Population ID: HAPMAP-ASW
Population Text:
African ancestry in Southwest USA. ASW is one of the 11 populations in HapMap phase 3. The HapMap 3 sample collection comprises 1,301 samples (including the original 270 samples used in Phase I and II of the International HapMap Project) from 11 populations, listed below alphabetically by their 3-letter labels. For more information about these samples, please visit: Label,Population sample,Number of samples ASW,African ancestry in Southwest USA,90 CEU,Utah residents with Northern and Western European ancestry from the CEPH collection,180 CHB,Han Chinese in Beijing, China,90 CHD,Chinese in Metropolitan Denver, Colorado,100 GIH,Gujarati Indians in Houston, Texas,100 JPT,Japanese in Tokyo, Japan,91 LWK,Luhya in Webuye, Kenya,100 MEX,Mexican ancestry in Los Angeles, California,90 MKK,Maasai in Kinyawa, Kenya,180 TSI,Toscans in Italy,100 YRI,Yoruba in Ibadan, Nigeria,18

This population has the following individual samples:
ind id
dbSNP_ind_id Submitted
ind grp
NA19625 27719 ?
NA19702 27720 ?
NA19700 27721 ?
NA19701 27722 ?
NA19705 27723 ?
NA19703 27724 ?
NA19704 27725 ?
NA19708 27726 ?
NA19707 27727 ?
NA19711 27728 ?
NA19712 27729 ?
NA19828 27730 ?
NA19818 27731 ?
NA19819 27732 ?
NA19836 27733 ?
NA19834 27734 ?
NA19835 27735 ?
NA19902 27736 ?
NA19900 27737 ?
NA19901 27738 ?
NA19904 27739 ?
NA19919 27740 ?
NA19908 27741 ?
NA19909 27742 ?
NA19915 27743 ?
NA19914 27744 ?
NA19918 27745 ?
NA19916 27746 ?
NA19917 27747 ?
NA20129 27748 ?
NA19920 27749 ?
NA19921 27750 ?
NA19983 27751 ?
NA19982 27752 ?
NA19713 27753 ?
NA19714 27754 ?
NA19985 27755 ?
NA20128 27756 ?
NA20126 27757 ?
NA20127 27758 ?
NA20277 27759 ?
NA20276 27760 ?
NA20279 27761 ?
NA20278 27762 ?
NA20284 27763 ?
NA20281 27764 ?
NA20282 27765 ?
NA20288 27766 ?
NA20287 27767 ?
NA20290 27768 ?
NA20289 27769 ?
NA20292 27770 ?
NA20291 27771 ?
NA20295 27772 ?
NA20294 27773 ?
NA20297 27774 ?
NA20296 27775 ?
NA20300 27776 ?
NA20299 27777 ?
NA20302 27778 ?
NA20301 27779 ?
NA20316 27780 ?
NA20314 27781 ?
NA20319 27782 ?
NA20317 27783 ?
NA20322 27784 ?
NA20333 27785 ?
NA20332 27786 ?
NA20335 27787 ?
NA20334 27788 ?
NA20337 27789 ?
NA20336 27790 ?
NA20340 27791 ?
NA20341 27792 ?
NA20343 27793 ?
NA20342 27794 ?
NA20345 27795 ?
NA20344 27796 ?
NA20347 27797 ?
NA20346 27798 ?
NA20348 27799 ?
NA20350 27800 ?
NA20349 27801 ?
NA20358 27802 ?
NA20356 27803 ?
NA20357 27804 ?
NA20360 27805 ?
NA20359 27806 ?
NA20364 27807 ?
NA20363 27808 ?

Following lists up to 1000 submissions in each type(assay,genotype,frequency) linked to this population:

Submitter Handle Batch Type Submitter batch id Release build id
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch10_ASW_affymetrix:genomewidesnp_6.0 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch10_ASW_illumina:human_1m_beadchip 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch10_ASW_illumina:human_1m_beadchip_redo1 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch11_ASW_affymetrix:genomewidesnp_6.0 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch11_ASW_illumina:human_1m_beadchip 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch11_ASW_illumina:human_1m_beadchip_redo1 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch12_ASW_affymetrix:genomewidesnp_6.0 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch12_ASW_illumina:human_1m_beadchip 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch13_ASW_affymetrix:genomewidesnp_6.0 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch13_ASW_illumina:human_1m_beadchip 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch13_ASW_illumina:human_1m_beadchip_redo1 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch14_ASW_affymetrix:genomewidesnp_6.0 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch14_ASW_illumina:human_1m_beadchip 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch15_ASW_affymetrix:genomewidesnp_6.0 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch15_ASW_illumina:human_1m_beadchip 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch16_ASW_affymetrix:genomewidesnp_6.0 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch16_ASW_illumina:human_1m_beadchip 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch16_ASW_illumina:human_1m_beadchip_redo1 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch17_ASW_affymetrix:genomewidesnp_6.0 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch17_ASW_illumina:human_1m_beadchip 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch17_ASW_illumina:human_1m_beadchip_redo1 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch18_ASW_affymetrix:genomewidesnp_6.0 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch18_ASW_illumina:human_1m_beadchip 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch19_ASW_affymetrix:genomewidesnp_6.0 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch19_ASW_illumina:human_1m_beadchip 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch1_ASW_affymetrix:genomewidesnp_6.0 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch1_ASW_illumina:human_1m_beadchip 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch20_ASW_affymetrix:genomewidesnp_6.0 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch20_ASW_illumina:human_1m_beadchip 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch21_ASW_affymetrix:genomewidesnp_6.0 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch21_ASW_illumina:human_1m_beadchip 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch22_ASW_affymetrix:genomewidesnp_6.0 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch22_ASW_illumina:human_1m_beadchip 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch2_ASW_affymetrix:genomewidesnp_6.0 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch2_ASW_illumina:human_1m_beadchip 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch3_ASW_affymetrix:genomewidesnp_6.0 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch3_ASW_illumina:human_1m_beadchip 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch4_ASW_affymetrix:genomewidesnp_6.0 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch4_ASW_illumina:human_1m_beadchip 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch4_ASW_illumina:human_1m_beadchip_redo1 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch5_ASW_affymetrix:genomewidesnp_6.0 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch5_ASW_illumina:human_1m_beadchip 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch5_ASW_illumina:human_1m_beadchip_redo1 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch6_ASW_affymetrix:genomewidesnp_6.0 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch6_ASW_illumina:human_1m_beadchip 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch6_ASW_illumina:human_1m_beadchip_redo1 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch7_ASW_affymetrix:genomewidesnp_6.0 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch7_ASW_illumina:human_1m_beadchip 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch8_ASW_affymetrix:genomewidesnp_6.0 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch8_ASW_illumina:human_1m_beadchip 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch8_ASW_illumina:human_1m_beadchip_redo1 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch9_ASW_affymetrix:genomewidesnp_6.0 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch9_ASW_illumina:human_1m_beadchip 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_ch9_ASW_illumina:human_1m_beadchip_redo1 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_chX_ASW_affymetrix:genomewidesnp_6.0 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_chX_ASW_illumina:human_1m_beadchip 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_chX_ASW_illumina:human_1m_beadchip_redo1 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_chY_ASW_affymetrix:genomewidesnp_6.0 131
CSHL-HAPMAP Genotype r27_chY_ASW_illumina:human_1m_beadchip 131

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