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Population Detail
Submitter Population Handle: ILLUMINA
Submitter Population ID: CHB
Population Text:
45 unrelated Han Chinese in Beijing, China, representing one of the populations studied in the International HapMap project ( See for further information about this population and others studied in the project. also has relevant information. Coriell catalog identifiers: NA18524 NA18526 NA18529 NA18532 NA18537 NA18540 NA18542 NA18545 NA18547 NA18550 NA18552 NA18555 NA18558 NA18561 NA18562 NA18563 NA18564 NA18566 NA18570 NA18571 NA18572 NA18573 NA18576 NA18577 NA18579 NA18582 NA18592 NA18593 NA18594 NA18603 NA18605 NA18608 NA18609 NA18611 NA18612 NA18620 NA18621 NA18622 NA18623 NA18624 NA18632 NA18633 NA18635 NA18636 NA18637

This population has the following individual samples:
ind id
dbSNP_ind_id Submitted
ind grp
NA18526 5148 Han Chinese
NA18524 5149 Han Chinese
NA18529 5150 Han Chinese
NA18558 5151 Han Chinese
NA18532 5152 Han Chinese
NA18561 5153 Han Chinese
NA18562 5154 Han Chinese
NA18537 5155 Han Chinese
NA18603 5156 Han Chinese
NA18540 5157 Han Chinese
NA18605 5158 Han Chinese
NA18542 5159 Han Chinese
NA18545 5160 Han Chinese
NA18572 5161 Han Chinese
NA18547 5162 Han Chinese
NA18609 5163 Han Chinese
NA18550 5164 Han Chinese
NA18608 5165 Han Chinese
NA18552 5166 Han Chinese
NA18611 5167 Han Chinese
NA18555 5168 Han Chinese
NA18564 5169 Han Chinese
NA18566 5170 Han Chinese
NA18563 5171 Han Chinese
NA18570 5172 Han Chinese
NA18612 5173 Han Chinese
NA18571 5174 Han Chinese
NA18620 5175 Han Chinese
NA18621 5176 Han Chinese
NA18594 5177 Han Chinese
NA18622 5178 Han Chinese
NA18573 5179 Han Chinese
NA18623 5180 Han Chinese
NA18576 5181 Han Chinese
NA18577 5182 Han Chinese
NA18624 5183 Han Chinese
NA18579 5184 Han Chinese
NA18632 5185 Han Chinese
NA18582 5186 Han Chinese
NA18633 5187 Han Chinese
NA18635 5188 Han Chinese
NA18592 5189 Han Chinese
NA18636 5190 Han Chinese
NA18593 5191 Han Chinese
NA18637 5192 Han Chinese

Following lists up to 1000 submissions in each type(assay,genotype,frequency) linked to this population:

Submitter Handle Batch Type Submitter batch id Release build id
ILLUMINA Genotype MHC_Exon-Centric-Panel_CHB 126
ILLUMINA Genotype MHC_Mapping-Panel_CHB 126

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