Using nonproduct quadrature grids to solve the vibrational Schrödinger equation in 12D

J Chem Phys. 2011 Feb 7;134(5):054126. doi: 10.1063/1.3549817.


In this paper we propose a new quadrature scheme for computing vibrational spectra and apply it, using a Lanczos algorithm, to CH(3)CN. All 12 coordinates are treated explicitly. We need only 157'419'523 quadrature points. It would not be possible to use a product Gauss grid because 33 853 318 889 472 product Gauss points would be required. The nonproduct quadrature we use is based on ideas of Smolyak, but they are extended so that they can be applied when one retains basis functions θ(n(1))(r(1))···θ(n(D))(r(D)) that satisfy the condition α(1)n(1) + ··· + α(D)n(D) ≤ b, where the α(k) are integers. We demonstrate that it is possible to exploit the structure of the grid to efficiently evaluate the matrix-vector products required to use the Lanczos algorithm.