DataSet Record GDS1285: Expression Profiles Data Analysis Tools Sample Subsets
Title: Macrophage response to lipopolysaccharide and CstF-64 overexpression
Cluster AnalysisGDS1285 Cluster Image
Summary: Analysis of RAW 264.7 macrophages treated with 100 ng/ml lipopolysaccharide (LPS) for 18 hours, or overexpressing polyadenylation factor CstF-64. LPS treatment increases CstF-64 expression. Results provide insight into post-transcriptional mechanisms affected by LPS in macrophages.
Organism: Mus musculus
Platform: GPL339: [MOE430A] Affymetrix Mouse Expression 430A Array
  • Shell SA, Hesse C, Morris SM Jr, Milcarek C. Elevated levels of the 64-kDa cleavage stimulatory factor (CstF-64) in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated macrophages influence gene expression and induce alternative poly(A) site selection. J Biol Chem 2005 Dec 2;280(48):39950-61. PMID: 16207706
Reference Series: GSE2002 Sample count: 9
Value type: count Series published: 2005/01/01