DataSet Record GDS1796: Expression Profiles Data Analysis Tools Sample Subsets
Title: Prostacylin receptor agonist and indomethacin effect on interleukin-1 beta activated synovial fibroblasts
Cluster AnalysisGDS1796 Cluster Image
Summary: Analysis of interleukin-1 beta activated synovial fibroblasts following treatment with indomethacin, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, alone or in combination with iloprost, a prostacyclin (PGI) receptor agonist. Results provide insight into the role of PGI in rheumatoid arthritis.
Organism: Mus musculus
Platform: GPL339: [MOE430A] Affymetrix Mouse Expression 430A Array
  • Honda T, Segi-Nishida E, Miyachi Y, Narumiya S. Prostacyclin-IP signaling and prostaglandin E2-EP2/EP4 signaling both mediate joint inflammation in mouse collagen-induced arthritis. J Exp Med 2006 Feb 20;203(2):325-35. PMID: 16446378
Reference Series: GSE2676 Sample count: 4
Value type: count Series published: 2005/05/20