DataSet Record GDS5232: Expression Profiles Data Analysis Tools Sample Subsets
Title: Early and late onset colorectal cancers
Cluster AnalysisGDS5232 Cluster Image
Summary: Analysis of primary colorectal cancer (CRC) tumors from patients diagnosed with CRC at an early age (28 to 53 years of age) and patients diagnosed at a later age (69 to 87 years). Results identify genes associated with early onset CRC.
Organism: Homo sapiens
Platform: GPL2986: ABI Human Genome Survey Microarray Version 2
  • Ågesen TH, Berg M, Clancy T, Thiis-Evensen E et al. CLC and IFNAR1 are differentially expressed and a global immunity score is distinct between early- and late-onset colorectal cancer. Genes Immun 2011 Dec;12(8):653-62. PMID: 21716316
  • Danielsen SA, Cekaite L, Ågesen TH, Sveen A et al. Phospholipase C isozymes are deregulated in colorectal cancer--insights gained from gene set enrichment analysis of the transcriptome. PLoS One 2011;6(9):e24419. PMID: 21909432
Reference Series: GSE25071 Sample count: 50
Value type: transformed count Series published: 2011/09/07