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Cloud-based Kmer Table


The Kmer Table (kmer) contains the 32-mers used in the analysis with their respective taxonomy ID.

Linking to other tables:

  • to Taxonomy Table (tax) table by tax_id column

Column name Type Desription
kmer STRING 32-mer
tax_id INTEGER Taxonomy ID. Link with tax_analysis and tax tables.

Example queries for Big Query UI

SELECT kmer.kmer , tax.tax_id , tax.sci_name
FROM `nih-sra-datastore.sra_tax_analysis_tool.kmer` as kmer , `research-sra-cloud-pipeline.sratest.taxonomy` tax
WHERE kmer.tax_id = tax.tax_id and tax.sci_name = 'Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus'

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Last updated: 2020-09-16T18:20:20Z