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Sample GSM263110 Query DataSets for GSM263110
Status Public on Feb 07, 2008
Title 2633 Propiconazole 500ppm Testis
Sample type RNA
Source name 2633 Propiconazole 500ppm Testis
Organism Rattus norvegicus
Characteristics testis
Wistar Han Rat
PND92 adult
Treatment protocol Feeding study, exposure from gestation day 6 through to post natal day 92
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Total RNA was extracted from PND92 testis of individual Wistar Han IGS rats of the mid dose (M500, P500, T500 ppm) and high dose (M2000, P2500, T1800 ppm) treatment groups using TRI Reagent (Molecular Research Center Inc., Cincinnati, OH) according to the manufacturer’s protocol and subjected to quality control measures before application to microarrays. For quality control, RNA A260:A280 ratios were assessed via NanoDrop Fluorospectrometer (NanoDrop Technologies, Inc. Wilmington, DE). RNA absorbance readings with a range 1.8 – 2.1 were followed with DNase treatment, Total RNA Cleanup (Qiagen RNeasy), and then checked for RNA quality using the model 2100 Bioanalyzer (Agilent Technologies Inc., Palo Alto, CA). Those samples with a ratio of 28S:18S rRNA >1.6 were accepted for subsequent use in DNA microarrays. RNA was stored at -80ºC until labeling for microarray hybridization.
Label biotin
Label protocol Five micrograms or purified total RNA from each liver or testis of 3-7 individual rats per treatment group was hybridized to Affymetrix GeneChip® Rat Genome 230 2.0 plus microarrays according to the Affymetrix GeneChip Expression Analysis Technical Manual ( Briefly, after purified RNA passed quantity and quality assessment, double stranded cDNA was synthesized from RNA using reverse transcriptase and an oligo-dT primer. Biotinylated RNA (labeled cRNA) served as the microarray target. cRNA was fragmented using heat and magnesium (Mg+2) reducing the cRNA to 25-200 base fragments to facilitate efficient and reproducible hybridization.
Hybridization protocol cRNA was combined with the hybridization cocktail, containing 3nM B2 control oligo, 10 mg/ml Herring Sperm DNA, 50 mg/ml BSA, 100% DMSO, and 2X hybridization buffer (NaCL 5M, MES hydrate Sigma Ultra, MES Sodium Salt, EDTA Disodium Salt 0.5M, 10% Tween-20). GeneChips were hybridized at 45ºC for 16 h. After hybridization the chip was washed and stained with fluorescent streptavidin-phycoerythrin, binding to biotin for detection.
Scan protocol Signal amplification using anti-Streptavidin antibody (goat) and biotinylated goat IgG antibody was used to bind biotin and provide an amplified fluor that emitted light when the chip is scanned with the GeneChip Scanner 3000.
Description P500_04
Data processing To minimize non-biological factors, e.g. total amount of target hybridized to each array, signal values for each hybridization were multiplied by a scaling factor (SF) to get a trimmed mean intensity equal to 500. Converted .cel files were loaded into JMP Genomics (SAS Inc., Cary, NC), Log2 transformed, normalized using interquartile normalization, and analyzed for significant changes in transcript levels through row-by-row modeling using one-way ANOVA. For initial exploratory analysis, principle component analysis (PCA) was applied using JMP Genomics. Comparisons were made between controls and each treatment group with statistical cut-offs applied at a p-value adjusted false discovery rate (FDR) of 25% for testis (p<0.000229), and an absolute difference of |1.2| or greater. Probe sets representing transcribed loci, unknown genes, and image clones were removed from the final list of each analysis.
Submission date Feb 06, 2008
Last update date Feb 06, 2008
Contact name David Dix
Phone 919-541-2701
Organization name US EPA
Department ORD/NCCT
Street address 109 TW Alexander Drive
City Research Triangle Park
State/province NC
ZIP/Postal code 27711
Country USA
Platform ID GPL1355
Series (1)
GSE10412 Triazole Antifungal Toxicogenomics: rat_repro_Testis

Data table header descriptions
VALUE log2 transformed, interquartile range normalization, mean of the probes for each probe set

Data table
1367452_at 1.895733
1367453_at 1.16719
1367454_at 1.912145
1367455_at 1.823396
1367456_at 1.91892
1367457_at 1.683016
1367458_at 0.397333
1367459_at 2.660816
1367460_at 2.291497
1367461_at 1.762678
1367462_at 1.563932
1367463_at 1.192248
1367464_at 1.413005
1367465_at 1.443558
1367466_at 1.448497
1367467_at 2.233373
1367468_at 0.433155
1367469_at 2.769658
1367470_at 1.027989
1367471_at 1.015923

Total number of rows: 31099

Table truncated, full table size 607 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM263110.CEL.gz 2.4 Mb (ftp)(http) CEL
Processed data included within Sample table

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