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Sample GSM487400 Query DataSets for GSM487400
Status Public on Dec 12, 2014
Title 251485013889_2/14663/22
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name Cell line (-IR)
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics treatment: Non radiated
cell line id: 14663
genome/variation: BRCA1+/-
brca1 mutation type: c.4327C>T Nonsense
Treatment protocol DNA damage was induced through exposure to 2 Gy ionizing radiation (IR), delivered by a 137Cs Victoreen Electrometer (Atomic Energy of Canada, Mississauga, ON) at a dose rate of 0.52Gy/min. Following treatment, the cells were allowed to recover for a period of 6 hr at 37°C in 5% CO2 atmosphere prior to extraction of total RNA.
Growth protocol Cells were cultured in RPMI-1640 media (Sigma Aldrich, Oakville, ON) supplemented with non-heat inactivated 15% fetal bovine serum (FBS) (Sigma Aldrich). All cell culture was carried out in 25cm2 flasks (Corning, Nepean, ON) at 37°C in 5% CO2 atmosphere. Cells were split in a 2:1 ratio until the desired cell number of 650,000 cells/ml was reached.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Total RNA was extracted using TRIZOL® Reagent following the manufacturer’s recommendations (Invitrogen, Burlington,ON). RNA was purified using the RNeasy MinElute Cleanup Kit (Qiagen, Mississauga, ON). RNA quality was assessed by Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer (Version B.02.02).
Label Cy3
Label protocol RNA with an integrity number of at least 7 was amplified and labeled using the Agilent Low RNA Input Linear Amplification kit (Agilent, Santa Clara, CA). Labeling reactions were performed with 250 ng total RNA, along with the Agilent Spike-in RNA mix, using Cy3-CTP and Cy5-CTP for control (-IR) and experimental (+IR) RNA, respectively (Perkin Elmer, MA, USA). Amplified RNA was quantified using the NanoDrop ND-1000 (NanoDrop Technologies, DE, USA) and the concentration of cRNA and the specific dye activity were calculated. Samples with a specific dye activity greater than 8 pmol/l were selected for hybridization to arrays.
Channel 2
Source name Cell line (+IR)
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics treatment: Radiated
cell line id: 14663
genome/variation: : BRCA1+/-
brca1 mutation type: c.4327C>T Nonsense
Treatment protocol DNA damage was induced through exposure to 2 Gy ionizing radiation (IR), delivered by a 137Cs Victoreen Electrometer (Atomic Energy of Canada, Mississauga, ON) at a dose rate of 0.52Gy/min. Following treatment, the cells were allowed to recover for a period of 6 hr at 37°C in 5% CO2 atmosphere prior to extraction of total RNA.
Growth protocol Cells were cultured in RPMI-1640 media (Sigma Aldrich, Oakville, ON) supplemented with non-heat inactivated 15% fetal bovine serum (FBS) (Sigma Aldrich). All cell culture was carried out in 25cm2 flasks (Corning, Nepean, ON) at 37°C in 5% CO2 atmosphere. Cells were split in a 2:1 ratio until the desired cell number of 650,000 cells/ml was reached.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Total RNA was extracted using TRIZOL® Reagent following the manufacturer’s recommendations (Invitrogen, Burlington,ON). RNA was purified using the RNeasy MinElute Cleanup Kit (Qiagen, Mississauga, ON). RNA quality was assessed by Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer (Version B.02.02).
Label Cy5
Label protocol RNA with an integrity number of at least 7 was amplified and labeled using the Agilent Low RNA Input Linear Amplification kit (Agilent, Santa Clara, CA). Labeling reactions were performed with 250 ng total RNA, along with the Agilent Spike-in RNA mix, using Cy3-CTP and Cy5-CTP for control (-IR) and experimental (+IR) RNA, respectively (Perkin Elmer, MA, USA). Amplified RNA was quantified using the NanoDrop ND-1000 (NanoDrop Technologies, DE, USA) and the concentration of cRNA and the specific dye activity were calculated. Samples with a specific dye activity greater than 8 pmol/l were selected for hybridization to arrays.
Hybridization protocol 825ng Cy3 labeled control (-IR) and 825 Cy5 labeled experimental samples were mixed and hybridized to to microarrays enclosed in Agilent SureHyb-enabled hybridization chambers. After hybridization, slides were washed with gene expression wash buffer 1 and 2.
Scan protocol Image acquisition was done using an Agilent Microarray Scanner, Model G2565BA. Imaging analysis was done using Agilent Feature Extraction software v9.1.
Description test set
Data processing Although the experiment was done to allow for analysis of radiation-dependent effects (Cy5/Cy3 ratio), the reported results are from unperturbed cells (Cy3 one color data only). The raw data is normalized by mean, per chip, using Excel. A total of 43,338 features were used in the analysis. A set of 38 features had gene label values that could not be interpreted by the analysis software, and were eliminated prior to analysis. Each sample was corrected for overall intensity by subtraction of the mean (per array) value from the value for each feature.
Submission date Dec 17, 2009
Last update date Dec 12, 2014
Contact name Scott Davey
Organization name Queen's University
Street address Botterell Hall, Room 364
City Kingston
State/province Ontario
ZIP/Postal code K7L 3N6
Country Canada
Platform ID GPL4133
Series (1)
GSE19541 BRCA1 Haploinsufficiency Leads to Altered Expression of Genes Involved in Cellular Proliferation and Development

Data table header descriptions
VALUE mean subtracted log2 Cy3 signal intensity
PRE_VALUE Mean substracted non log transformed Cy3 signal intensity

Data table
12 -10.9986 -2046
13 -11.5788 -3059
14 -10.5906 -1542
15 -11.5878 -3078
16 14.5242 23562
17 -11.5651 -3030
18 -11.4939 -2884
19 15.4010 43269
20 -11.5882 -3079
21 -11.5901 -3083
22 15.7849 56459
23 -11.5850 -3072
24 -8.5157 -366
25 -11.5058 -2908
26 -11.5897 -3082
27 -11.3359 -2585
28 -11.5901 -3083
29 -11.5901 -3083
30 -11.5741 -3049
31 -11.5878 -3078

Total number of rows: 43338

Table truncated, full table size 866 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM487400.txt.gz 15.2 Mb (ftp)(http) TXT
Processed data included within Sample table

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